Title : Han Solo's _Millenium Falcon_ Filename : FALCON.MAP Authors : Edward "Scorpion" Davis & Aaron "Deino" Gwin Email Address : ebd@utk.edu Misc. Author Info : Edward is a Geology major at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; and Aaron is a Geology major at the University of Memphis. We're both avid _Star Wars_ fans, and felt like the Millenium Falcon would make a perfect spot for a Dukematch. Description : This map is intended to provide hours of Dukematching fun. We used The _Star Wars Technical Journal_ by Shane Johnson as the basis for the floorplan, but had to make some changes in order to improve the Dukematch action. There is lots o' detail, and we tried to stay true to the _Star Wars_ theme as much as we could. We put in Star Destroyers, "Two of 'em, comin' right at us!" and we put pipe bombs on the edge of the maininence pit in the forward compartment to represent the "hyrdo-spanners" that fell on Han Solo's head in _Empire_. Unfortunately, we couldn't figure out a way to put in the smuggling compartments without having players falling into them over and over, so we left them out. We tried to make the level actually match the scale of DUKE3D, unlike some maps we've seen with eight-foot-wide doors and four-foot-tall light switches. A favorite tactic of ours is to put a laser trip bomb in the door frame of the escape pods, and the next person to open it gets blown down to 13% health or so... (There's only two escape pods because Han ejected the rest in order to make the Imperials think the Falcon was abandoned when it was pulled onto the first Death Star.) Unless you set it on Let's Rock, you can only get the laser trips and pipe bombs. In order to avoid slowdown, the freezer is only available on Come Get Some, recommended for those of you with deathwishes and P166's. The hyperdrive motivator is located in the center of the ship, and we reccomend that you don't shoot it, because the whole ship starts to come apart if you do. And because you REALLY don't want to get Chewie mad after all the time he spent fixing it. =[ Sorry, but this map is so detailed that it runs EXTREMELY slooooow on a 486. REALLY. Trust me. It's your old buddy Edward.... Additional Credits to : George Lucas most of all, for giving us the wonderful universe of Star Wars. (I'm gonna buy Jedi Knight when it comes out, aren't you?) And the person or persons who originally designed the floorplan of the Millenium Falcon, and Shane Johnson for putting it in his book, so we could use it. And those great guys at 3DRealms for bringing us DUKE3D. And my parents for buying me a pentium PC. =) And, lastly, Garrett J. Dunnewold, a Music Ed. major at U of M, and also a _Star Wars_ fan, for his innumerable (actually about three) contributions and relentless nit-picking (visit his web page at http://www.people.memphis.edu/~ugjdunnewold ). ================================================================ * Legal Mumbo-jumbo * _Star Wars_ et al. are trademarks of the people who own their trademarks. We're just screwin' around, so leave us alone. Unless you want to pay us money... You can put this level on your bulletin board, web site, etc., as long as you tell us, don't change it, and include this text file. If you don't we'll find you, hunt you down and give you such a PINCH!!! Or we'll kill you. Or something. We'll probably spam you back to the stone age. You can put this in a CD compilation, as long as you tell us first. And give us money so we can buy more GT Interactive video games. =) Or take us out to lunch. (We're starving college students, see?) * End of Legal Mumbo-jumbo * ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Ha! Ha Ha HA! Heh! (Hey Aaron, he wants to know if it's single player!) DukeMatch Level : Yes, definitely. Hours of fun. Not too big, definitely too small for eight players, and very claustrophobic at times, but it is based upon a (fictional) real place, so what can I say? Difficulty Settings : Yes, I put it so that the weapon powerups are graduated based upon difficulty. On Piece of Cake there's just laser trips and pipe bombs, on Let's Rock we added the everything except the freezer, which you can get on Come Get Some (recommended only for higher speed PC's because of all of the bouncing around freezer blasts do on this level). * Construction * Base : New level from scratch (and the floorplan of the Millenium Falcon). Editor(s) used : Run of the mill BUILD editor that came with DUKE3D. Known Bugs : Lotsa deaths because of the small size of the level; there's nowhere to run. This level does not run at all well on a 486/66 with 8Mb RAM. I've tried. Sorry, we just put in too much stuff. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: When I wrote this the only place to get it was at my web site at http://funnelweb.utcc.utk.edu/~ebd/wads.html#duke3d or Aaron's at http://www.people.memphis.edu/~uacgwin/duke.html If you got it someplace else, please e-mail me at ebd@utk.edu or Aaron at uacgwin@cc.memphis.edu I'd just like to know where my little level has gotten to. Thanks for playing! August 2, 1996 EDWARD DAVIS & Aaron Gwin Revision coming late 1996/ early 1997! DOWNLOAD QUAKE NOW! http://www.idsoftware.com/dlquake.html